Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2024/v37is2/24061
Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 348-356
Original Article
R. Leena sri 1, G. Bhavani 2
1,2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-625015,Tamilnadu, India
*Corresponding Author
Abstract--Education in engineering not only focuses on knowledge and technical skills but also ensures equal importance to the personal and interpersonal skills. It should also place a strong emphasis on guiding students' behaviors and attitudes, which are crucial for their development as professionals and contributions to society. While engineering education often device assessment strategies on cognitive and psychomotor skills it might be difficult to evaluate and improve emotional and attitudinal aspects. This article proposes a Social Emotional (SE) cum Active Learning (SEAL) pedagogical strategy to cult this gap and experimented for its succession among Vernacular, Vocational and non-computer background students admitted in the academic year of 2019 in computer science engineering department. Various domains such as CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate) framework, the Affective Domain of teaching, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) are all considered on devising SEAL, and a list of planned activities from the first to the end of semester is recommended for long term behavioral monitoring and assessment. The SEAL is exercised to gauge and improve students' behavioral attitudes, which will help them in their personal, professional, and academic lives through the suggested key performance indicators (KPI). The indicators are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, Relationship (inter personal) skills and Decision Making. KPI are mapped along with activity based Learning strategies conducted in theoretical and practical courses. The effectiveness of the suggested strategy in enhancing students' development, selfconfidence, and job prospects has been experimentally verified. This comprehensive approach aims to foster students' emotional intelligence, interpersonal abilities, and general well-being while also supporting their cognitive growth. In order to obtain a wellrounded education, the article emphasizes the significance of taking into account of Graduate Attributes such as Knowledge, Skill and Affective domains. This study ardently promotes experimental activities that harmonize academic accomplishments with students' behavioral outlooks, thereby achieving comprehensive program outcomes. It further furnishes a viable pathway to assess student attitudes and behaviors throughout their academic duration.Importantly, while cognitive domains receive considerableImportantly, while cognitive domains receive considerable attention, equal emphasis on the affective domain and the cultivation of social-emotional learning is essential for holistic development was the motive for designing SEAL.
Keywords: Activity Based Learning; Engineering Education; Social Emotional Learning; CDIO framework; Affective Domain
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