Khamruddin Syed
Anusha Kurapati
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K G Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
- Department of ECE, K G Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
Enriching the developments in an Engineering Education is one of the India's top most priorities. K G Reddy College of Engineering and Technology is attempting to develop the Engineering Education, which results in making the students world class professionals and move towards the Outcome Based Approach (OBE). The institute has already started awareness in bringing the effectiveness of teaching and the learning process through the establishment of Center for Engineering Education Development (CEED) but still fall well behind in obtaining the OBE and research in Engineering Education. To address this, the institution has started collaborating with iGurukuls. This paper visualizes OBE approach and list the benefits derived through collaboration with iGurukuls. This paper will likely impact the Engineering Education Research in future.
- Sandhya Tuti, Rohit Kandakatla, Syed Khamruddin. (2016) Improving Teaching and learning process through establishment of Center for Engineering education Development-An initiative at KG college of Engineering and Technology, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume, No, Month 2015.
- Doris R. Brodeur, Edward F. Crawley, Ingemar Ingemarsson Johan Malmqvist, S�ren �stlund. (2002) International collaboration in the Reform of Engineering Education, American society for Engineering Education annual conference and exposition.
- Maura Borrego, Jonte Bernhard. (2011) The Emergence of Engineering Education Research as an Internationally connected field of Inquiry, The Research Journal for Engineering Education.