Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2022, Volume: 36, Issue: 1, Pages: 5-5




There are established accreditation processes by National Bodies to ensure quality of Higher education. Getting an institution or a program accredited demonstrates that, it meets the standards set by accreditation organizations representing the professional community and other stakeholders. Accreditation systems like NAAC or NBA conduct their comprehensive reviews to assess, evaluate and monitor the progressiveness of the institute towards the dynamic technical and non-technical environment. A regular quality assurance process helps an institute keep the quality of programs in check as well as improves their public accountability. Preparing for accreditation is a complex, labor-intensive, and a thoughtful undertaking. I feel that preparing for accreditation is more reflective of developing measurable systems and successful implementations. We need to be organized. Simple things like creating a master index table with the needed documents listed along with link to the folder where these materials are saved can save a lot of last minute hassles. It is important to cultivate a habit of routine check on the data maintenance by every department. Just like how a daily five-minute speed-cleaning helps maintain a clean home, organizing files and folders regularly will save you from stress and support you to improve your work to achieve the targets decided on your own self. One more thing which needs a compulsory mention here is overcoming inertia. Inertia here is the tendency of a department or faculty to continue on its current trajectory due to resource, routine or habitual rigidity. To be specific, I personally feel that accreditation should become a practice and system to be followed and not a special project. To be successful in your accreditation work, I recommend you to use a project management approach, as it is critical to divide the required work into smaller, manageable steps. The most important thing is find joy in it. The journey should not be a special preparation but a way of life which will spark joy in you and then only you will be able to achieve the desired goal.


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