Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2000, Volume: 13, Issue: 3, Pages: 16-20

Original Article

Current Status of Technical Education and Suggestions for Re-Engineering-A Study


The paper highlights the present status of technical education and makes suggestions for reengineering technical education based on the views obtained through a structured questionnaire from over 150 professionals and academicians on various aspects of technical education. The study reveals that there has been considerable expansion of technical education at different levels. This large scale expansion has resulted in the deterioration of quality and standards of technical education in the country. This has also greatly affected the employment of degree and diploma holders. Good percentage of students are unable to find gainful employment for years together. The process of teaching-learning focuses great attention on theory rather than developing professional skills like: thinking, independent study, problem solving, creativity, interpersonal and communication skills etc. Majority of students are still not proficient in making use of computers for various engineering applications. There is a marginal linkage of technical institutions with the world of work. The system of examination, by and large, is paper pencil type, stressing on rote learning. There is hardly any effect of recommendations made by various seminars!conferences for improving technical education system in the country due to lack of concern, lethargy, initiative and accountability.Based on the findings of the study, the paper proposes that the thrust of teaching-learning process should be on "Concept of use" for developing transfer skills in the students so that they are able to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the institutions to solve practical problems or innovate new designs and systems. The paper further proposes that technical education should be offered on "Cooperative Basis" to face the challenges of 21 st century. Cooperative Education has been described as a "Strategy of Applied Learning" imbibing the concept of use without increasing the duration of programmes.The paper finally makes suggestions for improving the management and administration of the system.


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