Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 432-438

Original Article

Course Attainment and Program Attainment in Education Systems with the Average and Threshold Aspect.


Abstract— This article offers a comprehensive exploration of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) with a specific focus on assessing course attainment and program attainment through average-based and threshold-based methods. Utilizing a sample dataset, the study showcases the practical application of these methods to evaluate student achievements. The findings presented as average and threshold course outcome (CO) attainment calculation with sample data for a course, provide insights into student performance for course outcomes, elucidating the strengths and limitations of each approach. The study extends its analysis to program attainment, emphasizing the crucial link between CO and PO through mapping. Attainment calculation of a course with threshold and average CO attainment values displays program outcome (PO) attainment values calculated using both average and threshold methods, offering nuanced insights into student achievements within an academic program. An essential takeaway is the significance of interpreting attainment values. Establishing correlations between these values and course content equips educators to enhance cognitive, psychomotor, and affective development through targeted course delivery improvements. In conclusion, this study underscores the synergy between course and program attainment, offering informed insights to educators and institutions. It recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of average and threshold methods and emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate method based on specific learning objectives and educational contexts. This research informs assessment strategies for optimizing educational experiences in attainment methods.

Keywords — Course Outcome (CO); Program Outcome (PO); Average Attainment; Threshold Attainment; Course Attainment; Program Attainment.


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